E-zine I.A.M.P. _ Membership Organization
Newsletter November 2003


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Voting for the IAMP conference in 2004
At the start of November all the IAMP members received this mail from Peter Verdaasdonk, concerning the new IAMP Conference:
We received several candidatures for the next IAMP conference in 2004. In itself a nice problem to have, because this is a very positive situation, but we need to take a decision.
At present, the following parks expressed their wish to host the IAMP yearly conference:
  • Publo Chico (Spain, opened in 2002)
  • Klein Erzgebirge (Germany, celebrated 70 years in 2003)
  • Miniaturk (Turkey, opened in 2003
  • Bekonscott (United Kingdom, celebrating 75 years in 2004)

We feel the most diplomatic solution is to put this issue to the vote. We hereby ask ALL MEMBERS OF IAMP to express their vote. Please send you vote by e mail to Madurodam by December 1, 2003. We will summarize the results to all of you as soon as possible afterwards. Immediately afterwards, we will start the preparations for the next annual meeting.

Mail your vote to: epotappel@madurodam.nl



Babbacombe Model Village Joins IAMP as new member!
Babbacombe Model Village joins IAMP as a new member effective september 2003.
Babbacombe is located at Torquay in the southwestern part of England. Opened to the public in 1963, the park represents in miniature the reflection of an imaginary part of the English countryside. Lakes, waterfalls and a sophisticated landscaping job support the representation of distinct construction styles of farms and country houses. The result is a beautifully situated and maintained impression of craftmanship, creativity and the beauty of nature.
For more information, go to:  www.babbacombemodelvillage.co.uk


Minisrael joins IAMP as a new member!
In Israel's new miniature city, visitors from around the world will have a close look at exact replicas (on a scale of 1:25) of hundreds of the most famous historical, religious, biblical and archeological sites of the Land of the Bible. The models were built by hand in workshops throughout Israel, many of them by new immigrant artists from the former Soviet Union. The models are built from polymeric materials and powdered stone. You will find 350 buildings, 14 trains, 32 planes, 3 helicopters, 175 vessels 4700 cars, 230 vans and trucks, 100 motorcycles and 15.000 miniature plants and trees.
40% of all models is dynamic. 
For more information go to: www.minisrael.co.il

We congratulate Babbacombe and Minisrael with  this membership, welcoming these new members in the IAMP family!

Nice idea

Nice weather guarantee in Klein-Erzgebirge
Klein-Erzgebirge makes up for rainy days by giving out raincheques to enable family's to return to Klein-Erzgebirge within 1 week.

IAMP conference 2003


In September 2003 the annual IAMP meeting was held in Klagenfurt Austria at Minimundus.

Unfortunately, the attendance was less than on previous occasions. But even so the event was very useful.

I would like to compliment the hosts for their wonderful hospitality and the program they had in store for us.

For the contents of the meeting I would like to refer to the minutes and next E-zine that will circulate in the beginning of next year.

The trip by boat to the Casino in Velden was very special. Especially the lights show over the Wortesee and the visit to the sausage smoker was a treat.

The new Planetarium in Minimudus impressed me very much. I viewed a presentation there about theme-architecture and the extras it can present to miniature parks.

In addition, the interactive computer pods in the park presented a nice connection between the models in the park and modern technology. During the meeting the essence and use was explained by Fa Rittal. Hasbro also explained the interest shown by European young people today.

The highlight of the visit for Paolo, Didi and Peter was the balloon ride. The balloon, sponsored by Minimundus with name DIDI, flew over Klagenfurt and immediate surroundings.   

Once again this meeting proved to be beneficial for everybody attending, they all had the chance to renew their acquaintances and contacts !     

Hans Steijn,




       For more IAMP pictures go to:

photo's iamp meeting 2003

IAMP Worldmap
We received pictures from several parks showing the new world map. Here are some examples:

mini italia


mini europe
